Deet VS Avon Skin so Soft Mosquito Repellent

Get your Skin So Soft Today Lets talk about bug spray. I have been reading some research about the difference between "deet" products and "without deet" products. There are a lot of information out there claiming that deet will cause extreme damage to our bodies. However, a lot of websites say that deet is not the problematic chemical that it has been known to be. It can really get confusing! So I went to the EPA! The EPA has written " The Agency has not identified any risks of concern to human health, non-target species or the environment." So what is the problem with it? I then decided to see if there were any studies out there for deet products vs Avon skin so soft products. Here is what I found: According to the BCMedical Journal, " T ests were undertaken to determine the effectiveness of three mosquito repellents: 95% DEET, Avon Skin So Soft bath oil, and a “special mixture” of substances thought to have insect repellent qua...