A New Look

I am pretty excited to come in and share with you my new look. I wanted to make it a little easier to navigate and also set up a privacy police and a contact form. 

Your information will be kept private and will only be viewed by myself and Avon. Your email or home address will be kept private and will not be rented out to any other parties besides myself. Please look over my privacy policy. 

I will be posting once a week so if you would like to subscribe to my blog, please do. I will keep you updated as to when the Campaigns change, share stories and ideas or if I am just really excited about a product and want to share. I use Avon quit a bit and so my girls.

I have been selling Avon for over 10 years and I have really enjoyed it. I have met some very interesting and fun people in that time. I am not going to claim that I have become rich from selling Avon but the extra money that I do make does help my family out and it has helped build my personal confidence. 

With that being said, there are new and updated links on the side for you to sift through. Check it out and let me know what you think! Any feedback is appreciated. 

It is great to see you again! 

And remember, you get free shipping on any $40.00 or more order automatically! 

Thank you so much for being with me through these years! 

Follow me on Pinterest, Twitter, (Facebook coming soon), (instagram coming soon)

First time costumer? Free shipping with any size order with code FIRSTREP at checkout. 


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