My first confession!

This is not an easy blog to put together! That is my first confession. I am trying to figure out ways to make this look pretty and comforting. Let me know if you happen to stop by how I am doing so far. :) Thanks.

Summer is coming and the mesquitos are at it again! I am pretty sure you will not be able to eat enough garlic to keep these vampires away! There is hope!

Normally $16 - $14. Right now they are on Sale for $7. Check it out. First time to order? FREE SHIPPING ANY SIZE! Use this code though - FIRSTREP and you are good as gold.


  1. Looks great! Congrats on getting it up and running. Wishing you much success!

  2. Thank you Tammy. Its a lot harder than I thought it would be. And again.. Thank you very much!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love it! I know how hard you've worked on this blog... and it looks great! I'm wishing you well deserved success!

  5. Thank you Scott. I believe you which makes it all the better. If I have any I owe a little to you. :) Thank you for all your help and your support. You are a really nice guy. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

  6. its very beautiful:) reminds me of my scrapbooking, wish is very homey and fun:) ♥

  7. Hey April. I did not know you had a blog. I am now following your blog. :) Very emotional stuff you are putting out there. You are a very deep thinker. :) Love you!

  8. Thanks Mary. It is consuming more time than I would have hoped for :) But I am going to keep pushing forward. :)


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