Products I Love!

Avon's Foot works! Its not just for feet! I love the stuff. I put the thicker lotions on my hands and it works perfect. My favorite is the souffle foot cream but they do not sell that anymore. I even put it in my hair. I have a wave to my hair and I live in Oklahoma. I get desperate. I do not want to be a slave to the hot iron all my life! Avons Foot Works Lavender Foot Soak!  Treat yourself or someone you love! Only 2.99 right now! And check out other wonderful Foot works products! Mix and match! 

Another one of my favorites is the Radiant Glow Skin So Soft line. It is also perfect for me in the Oklahoma weather. Not so much in the winter but in the summer? **LOVE**. Its not so thick and it gives my skin just enough moisture and oh my goodness the way it smells!! It reminds me of Roses and Lace. Thats what they should have called it. Seriously! Try it yourself. If you do not like it - You always get your money back with Avon! Skin So Soft Radiant Glow

First time costumer? Free shipping with any size order with code FIRSTREP at checkout.


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