Get your stocking stuffers and your google avon app!

Yea it's Christmas again! Everyone is out looking for the best gifts for the ones we love the most. Have you decided what you are going to put in their stockings? If not I might have some ideas for you! 

Stocking stuffers? Have you thought about what you are going to put in their stockings? Pencils? Barrettes? How about some little chap sticks or maybe even some lip gloss for the girls? And for the boys maybe some yummy smelling shower gel! There are many more ideas at Avon! Please feel free to click here - Frankie's Avon Page - 

You can also buy handmade. I have been making some hats and things for $10 if you would like to check them out! I can do any colors you like. Just let me know! You can find these hats and things in my Zibbet Space! Thank you and I hope you find everything you are looking for! If you can't find anything you are looking for - then let me know! I can send you in the right direction! 

Shop the Hodgepodge where you can find "quality" handmade STUFF at affordable prices! :) 
You can find me on Facebook also - Frankie's Art Projects . Here is where I share my love for art! Hope to see you there! 

ONE MORE THING! If you have a smart phone you can get the Avon app for your phone. 
Please remember, that if you are browsing the Avon Google Catalog and decide to click through to purchase a product, you will either be taken directly to my Online Store or be presented with an option to select me (Frankie Jaime) as your Representative prior to checkout. This process works exactly the same way as if you were searching or browsing online and decided to make a purchase on your personal computer.

We also want you to be aware that the Avon Google Catalog is not exactly the same as our Campaign Brochures. Currently, the Avon Google Catalog is a highlight of some of our top rated and featured products. It is a great opportunity for you to shop for a selection of Avon products right from your tablets or phone!

First time costumer? Free shipping with any size order with code FIRSTREP at checkout.


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