Are you ready for Spring??! Are your nails ready?? Soon we are going to have to put on those open toe Sandals again and you know what that means! Your toenails need to be looking their best!

Keep it funky with Avon's MOSAIC LOOK. Right now it is on sale for 2.99 a bottle! 

If you are not interest in the artistic, funky look then maybe you would like to add some glitter to your style? Check it out at $3.49 each! Glitter Nail Enamel AVON.

But you know that glitter is not for everyone.. Some of us like to keep it simple. And here are three very simple very Spring colors! I love these colors! They too are on sale right now for $3.49 each! PRO NAIL SPRING COLORS! 

Better yet - If you would like to see all the deals for polish just follow this link - NAIL POLISH FROM AVON
It is almost the rainy season and I heard a rumor that AVON BUBBLE BATH can actually be used like a rain ex. It helps keep the rain off of your windshield. 
I found some bubble bath that is on sale also! Normally $8. Right now you can get this huge bottle for only $6. GET IT NOW! 

While you are looking around - make sure you just peek in on the Anew Moisturizing creams. They have a BUY ONE GET THE 2ND FOR $12.00! 
First time costumer? Free shipping with any size order with code FIRSTREP at checkout. 

Also do not forget to check out our clearance section!! :):) You can always find a good deal in there! SAVE NOW! 


  1. Grr so I guess it didn't post my comment...Anyways!

    I was hoping you could help me out! I'm an Avon rep as well, but on the west coast and I was hoping you could tell me how to get the cool background that you have on your Avon page? It makes it much more appealing to look at and brightens up the page more!

    PS i found you by looking for shop and compare Avon, so thank you!

  2. Hi Lael! :) I can't remember where I got this one specifically. However I usually do my search by typing in BLOG BACKGROUNDS. I have used these ones a few times.. http://hotbliggityblog.com/ For all I know the one that I have on here now is from that site :):) XO. I have another blog if you would like to check that one out. .its not for avon but its for art... http://frankiestockman.blogspot.com/ It is not as pretty as my avon site is.. I need to make some changes to it. :)

  3. I take it back.. I got this one from SHABBYBLOGS.COM! Good luck!


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