
Showing posts from May, 2012

FREE SHIPPING! Free shipping!

This week my son graduated. He is my second child now to graduate High School. My first born is in Italy for the first time visiting with my family and she went alone. So you can only imagine my emotional roller coaster. Sadness, pride and fear! Kids! Oh and my youngest graduated from Pre - K! They make me old but they make me more happy than anything I have ever experienced in my entire life! I would never want to change anything. If it were not for them - I would not be who I am and who I am striving to be as I get older. :) Now I have four more babes to graduate. My next one in line will graduate in two years.  Avon has some cool deals going on this campaign 12. I hope you don't mind if I share a couple with you. :):) PURSES Jewelry MakeUp And there is so much more for you to see! For Avon's special promotions please go to :  Special offers and promotions For some of "THEE BEST" foot care products, check out Foot works from Avon! : ...

Specail Offers From Avon!

Avon always has special offers that they put on every campaign. Check out some of these great offers! Just click on the link or you can click on the photo below and it will take you straight to the offer. Happy shopping! Click here to be directed to Avon's Special offers seen below! ~>  SPECIAL OFFERS LIST Avon Care offers Avon Anew Special  Solutions From Avon Avon Anew Special Avon Jewelry Offer Avon Anew Special First time costumer? Free shipping with any size order with code FIRSTREP at checkout.

Products I Love!

Avon's Foot works! Its not just for feet! I love the stuff. I put the thicker lotions on my hands and it works perfect. My favorite is the souffle foot cream but they do not sell that anymore. I even put it in my hair. I have a wave to my hair and I live in Oklahoma. I get desperate. I do not want to be a slave to the hot iron all my life!   Avons Foot Works Lavender Foot Soak!    Treat yourself or someone you love! Only 2.99 right now! And check out other wonderful Foot works products! Mix and match!  Another one of my favorites is the Radiant Glow Skin So Soft line. It is also perfect for me in the Oklahoma weather. Not so much in the winter but in the summer? **LOVE**. Its not so thick and it gives my skin just enough moisture and oh my goodness the way it smells!! It reminds me of Roses and Lace. Thats what they should have called it. Seriously! Try it yourself. If you do not like it - You always get your money back with Avon!  Skin So Soft Radia...

See a brochure ahead of time!

The very first link is the current campaign. The next two are future campaigns. See what is coming up so that you can buy your favorite product when it is on sale! First time costumer? Free shipping with any size order with code FIRSTREP at checkout.


Recently I have joined Pinterest! Yea! I have been making up my personal boards and one of them is of my Avon. For some reason they keep getting deemed as SPAM! I do not see how that is. I am not spamming anyone. If a person does not like Avon they do not have to click on the links right? So I am wondering if its other Avon Reps reporting me as spam. None of my other links to my art work etc are reported as spam. I even have links selling things that I have made to Zibbet. I would think that would be considered spam and inappropriate also right? However - no where in pinterest rules does it say that we may not pin from our websites. So I am a little frustrated because I had to repin my photos and also take the links off and write them in the description instead. Kinda stinks because its so much easier when you can just click on not have to worry about cutting and pasting. Either way I am not going to stoop to any of those levels and I am going to keep moving forward! ;) ...

What I have on hand!

GOOD TO KNOW! All of Avon's jewelry is Nickle free! First time costumer? Free shipping with any size order with code FIRSTREP at checkout.