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This week my son graduated. He is my second child now to graduate High School. My first born is in Italy for the first time visiting with my family and she went alone. So you can only imagine my emotional roller coaster. Sadness, pride and fear! Kids! Oh and my youngest graduated from Pre - K! They make me old but they make me more happy than anything I have ever experienced in my entire life! I would never want to change anything. If it were not for them - I would not be who I am and who I am striving to be as I get older. :) Now I have four more babes to graduate. My next one in line will graduate in two years. Avon has some cool deals going on this campaign 12. I hope you don't mind if I share a couple with you. :):) PURSES Jewelry MakeUp And there is so much more for you to see! For Avon's special promotions please go to : Special offers and promotions For some of "THEE BEST" foot care products, check out Foot works from Avon! : ...