Spring Dishes from Avon!

This morning it is raining once again in Montana. I really want to see the sun! My whole weekend has been dark and gloomy. This morning I got onto the computer to look at flowers to make myself happier and feel more "springish" , if that is even a word, and I was reminded of these super cute bowls! So now I am thinking I just might get an early Mother's Day gift for myself, from myself! I am really excited because my peonies are actually coming up this year. I have had them for 3 years now and every year they only grow leaves. This year however, I have way more leaves and shoots than I have ever seen and so I am actually not sure if I will have flowers or not but I am wishing and hoping that is a good indication that I will! Fingers are crossed! I did plant some Basil, Rosemary and Cilantro for some big pots outside. I really enjoy gardening. I started just last year and I gotta say, its so fun! I also planted Tulips for the first time and they are really prett...