Here where I live we had a very mild winter. I know that a lot of us did in the US actually. Well I was told that when you have mild winters then the bugs are going to be awful in the summer. I wasn't really worried about it till the other day when I saw a bug on the wall. Went to see what it was and noticed it is a mosquito! ALREADY? So I jumped on the computer and ordered some skin so soft oil for all of us. One of my daughters is playing softball this year and so when I thought about the evenings when I would have to go out and sit in the bugs - I had no happy thoughts. Glad I sell AVON and know about skin so soft. Now I just got the oil because I know it works for the bugs too. My Uncles used it when they went to deer camp for many many years. I do not believe they go anymore now that we are all older but they did every year when I was a kid. I think they wore pantyhose too! :) Either way I am stocking up! Are you??? Here is a link for the skin so soft. - I also bought the l...